Sit back…buckle up…hold on!

This last week has been a roller coaster of emotions and decisions! A month ago I was given the opportunity to go to the AACC conference in Nashville, TN. The conference started on Wednesday and that Thursday God began to speak to my heart about transition and moving. Tennessee was never on my radar of places to live. Dallas, Texas…Yes…Nashville, Tennessee…NO! So I did what I normally do in these types of situations…I argued with God and then began to make my own plans! Can I just say that this NEVER works out!! Throughout the day on Friday this idea and feeling that God was going to move me to Tennessee grew stronger but I pushed the thoughts aside because I needed to focus on this conference and besides these thoughts were nuts!

Friday night after the conference I was down stairs looking at all of the resources in the exhibitors area when I had this divine appointment (read more about it by clicking here). I went back to the hotel that night very perplexed and at this point still did not share with anyone about this stirring I had in my heart. We left Nashville late Saturday afternoon to drive back to Missouri and I thought life would go on as planned! And by planned I mean my plan.

Once we arrived back in Missouri my feet hit the ground running, I jumped right back into my routine. But things were different, although I was busy I couldn’t stop thinking about this divine appointment that strategically came the day after God began to speak to my heart about moving. I found myself in the midst of an intense spiritual battle. I called some close prayer warriors and asked them to pray specifically for wisdom and guidance.

Just a couple weeks after being back I was invited to a SCORRE training with Ken Davis. I knew this training was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. Again, just as God carefully and perfectly orchestrated my trip to Nashville for the AACC conference…He did the same for this training, which just happened to be outside of Nashville in Franklin, TN. It was after I received the invitation to the training that I shared with a few close friends that I felt like God was going to move me to Tennessee. In my mind I would finish out the school year and next July I would transition.

Well, a week ago today I attended the training and little did I know that this trip to Tennessee would a pivotal moment in my life. Through some amazing God moments, lots of prayer and confirmation after confirmation God made it very clear the path I was suppose to take. So I finally yielded to God’s will and surrendered my plans and control over to Him.

Throughout the last month the question God continues to pose to me is “Do you trust Me?” And while so many times I quickly answer and say “yes, of course I trust You, but…” and He gently asks again “Evonna, do you trust Me?” And when I finally said “yes, I trust You God with everything” and I let go of all of the but’s,  I began to experience a supernatural peace. I have learned so much this last week. I have learned what it means to fully surrender all of your control over to Him. I have learned what it means to truly take a leap of faith. I’ve learned that even when you take that leap of faith, fear doesn’t just go’s a choice to let your FAITH be greater than your fear.

So what does this mean? Are you really moving to Tennessee? When? What will you be doing? Where will you be living? Why are you moving? Why Tennessee?

Those are all great question that have been asked of me in the last several days and here is what I can tell you because here is what God has revealed to me thus far:
·      Yes I am moving to Tennessee near Nashville at the end of this year
·      I am moving out of my lake condo during the month of November and will be staying with friends until I move at the end of December.
·      I will continue working full time and will finish out the semester
·      Why? Because God!
·      What will I be doing? I’m not a 100% sure! That’s where FAITH comes in! I do know that I will be refocusing time and energy on writing and speaking. I also know that God is going to continue to open doors.

There are still a lot of  unknowns, but each day I wake up and say ...okay God what are we going to do today? What do I need to do today to prepare for this transition? And each day He has given me peace and the steps to take! This has been an emotional week with some tough decisions but I wouldn’t trade it for anything because what better place is there to be than the center of His will?!

As I shared the news that I would be leaving with my students,  I told them that this is an opportunity for me to practice what I teach. As educators and administrators we challenge our students to take risks, step outside their comfort zones and to reach for their goals. I have been given the opportunity to reach far and high. I’ve also been asked to take a risk, and if I get out there and I trip and fall I will do what I tell my student’s and client’s to do…pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep moving forward! 

Every time that doubt and confusion have tried to creep in this last week, God has reassured me that He's got this! God won’t leave me and He won’t forsake me that He promises! What is it God’s stirring in your heart? What is it He’s asking you to do today? I challenge you to get alone with Him and seek His will for your life! I also challenge you to set aside your own agendas, your own plans and jump in the deep with Him because there really is no place I’d rather be!



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