5 Years Ago - From Despair to Hope

I woke up late today, I had to jump out of bed throw on clothes and run out the door. I hate when I starting my day rushed and frantic as it throws off my schedule. I had a busy morning, I saw student after student without breaks. About 11:15am it hit me. Today is December 10th. For some it's just another day for me it is a very monumental day. Tears began to run down my face despite my will as I wanted to stuff them back I had a lunch meeting coming up with a student and needed to get it together. The Holy Spirit had other plans. December 10th, 2010 at about 11:15am I had departed the Phoenix airport with my mom and was headed towards LA. That afternoon I walked in the doors of Pacific Shores Hospital (PSH) in Oxnard, CA and signed myself in to round 2 of treatment for anorexia. I was angry, bitter, yet numb. I was so ashamed that I had to be back. I knew that day that I would be in treatment for Christmas and New Years. I also knew that I would miss the birth of my...