My Angel Who Wore Scrubs

Today's blog isn't long or super profound but I hope you find it encouraging! 

I believe God speaks to each of us in different ways at different times. Sometimes he speaks to us to through His word, sometimes through the lyrics of a song, sometimes it is through a message or prayer there are endless ways that he speaks to us and sometimes I believe he uses total strangers as angels to speak and minister to our spirit man. The other night while laying in the hospital bed I was listening to Laura Cooksey "Rest" trying to calm my anxieties and just rest in the Lord and in walked my nurse. And thats when it all started.

She asked me what music I was listening too. You see I don't know about you all but some times I get timid and shy and instead of boldly saying "Christian" music I more or less just whisper it. But I told her who I was listening too and thats when she then proceeded to tell me that I am "much to vibrant to let the enemy to take any more from me than he already had." She stated that I am "pure as white in Gods eyes. She continued by saying "I'm not sure what God has in store for you but I do know that it's big and the enemy has no right to you." All I could think of in that moment is oh wow God you really are close to the broken hearted and crushed in spirit. My spirit was encouraged. It's one thing to hear these things from a close friend, your mentor or even pastors but a complete stranger. It made me go "Okay God I hear you loud and clear." It wasn't just my ears that heard it but my spirit! 

The next morning the nurse came in and asked me how I was doing I told her I was feeling discouraged and feeling unsure of everything due to lack of answers from doctors and not knowing what was next. She then told me "Evonna you know who is trying to win this battle in your mind today? Remember he has no right you are more than a conquer and He is with you even this morning so rely on Him". Again I felt my heart had been ministered to and that His presence was all around me, even in the midst of one of the hardest battles I'm facing! 

So if you are down be encouraged He is near holding His hand out ready to grab yours. Don't walk through life empty handed place it in His and hold on tight! 

Even though I may never see Rhonda again she will forever be my Angel Who Wore Scrubs!

Blessings to each of you as you walk through your day and through the many trials of life!


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