Roller Coaster of Life

It's been a while since my last blog. There is much to be updated on so I will do my best to do the short version of where all God has taken me in the 10 months.

As I begin this blog tears have started to flood my eyes. I am overwhelmed by God and the healing he has and is doing in my life. I started this blog in 2009 as I started the journey to grad school. In 2009 I had no idea the path and roller coaster i would be jumping on. To recap my journey Aug 2009 I moved to Omaha, NE to attend graduate school at Grace University. As I dove in head first into classes I soon learned that I had issues in my life that needed to be faced. It's amazing how God has to take you away from all you have ever known put you in a totally different state to reveal these things. He has to take us out of our comfort zone sometimes to really do a work in us. Or at least that is what he did for me. I buzzed through my first year of grad school with grace and lots of energy. In Feb 2010 I began working at a girls village working with young girls who most were wards of the state. God really showed me how blessed my life was but he also showed me that there were still issues and I needed to face them. Like most people I didn't want to dig deep into past wounds and face them. So I kept on going working like crazy and focusing on school. I had a plan! I was going to buzz through graduate school and be done in Dec of 2011. Little did I know that God would change my route and slow me down. 

I made it through an intensive summer school classes in 2010 and then I headed to Africa. Which would be a huge turning point for me. Wow did God change my view of life. I came back from Africa changed in a good way. But that didn't mean the challenges and heart issues I need to face were gone. The farther I got into grad program the more I learned that I needed to work on me so that God could fully use me to be the counselor he had called me to be. I took a medical leave from school and work and drove to a friends house one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life is face the one thing that kept me stuck. 

From a young age I began to cope with things that had happened in life with an eating disorder. I used this eating disorder as a crutch its all I knew. And God was calling me out on it and it was tough and hard to face but Oh am I ever so glad I decided to face it head on. I won't give the whole story here but I boarded a one way flight with no return flight scheduled to California. I remember that day like it was yesterday I was scared out of my mind but yet at peace too. I knew God had orchestrated this and it would all work out but in my mind I was thinking "are you serious God this is how the healing has to come?" So I boarded the plane flew to California and checked into Pacific Shores Hospital that was specifically for Eating Disorder patients. The next three months were a roller coaster in themselves. I had two rounds of being at PSH because insurance decided they were done paying. Again another long story cut short in January of 2011 I was able to fly home and be reunited with my family and was at a much healthier place with food although this was just the beginning of my recovery. 

I spent 7 months at home and had decided I needed to go back to school and finish my degree. Little did I know that once again God would bring me back to Omaha NE. So I was obedient God everything in order and left some amazing friendships and family and resumed my journey. Everything had changed including professors. I came back to 2 new professors and even the program seemed different. I see now though I was looking through a different lens. 

There is a big milestone one must face in the graduate program here and thats the CPCE a comprehensive exam and you have to pass it in order to graduate so I took it last spring (2012) and didn't pass. I remember feeling so confused and not understanding why. But I finished out the semester and started interning in May. Talk about stepping out into your calling its really exciting but a little unsettling because you are working with real people. 

Life threw more curve balls as my mom had to have a major surgery done in July which took our family by surprise. Then in August I wrecked and totaled my car. But the good news that came from the Fall 2012 semester is I passed my CPCE!! I feel like that semester flew by. 

Now that brings me up to date with this semester. My last and final semester of Grad School as I write I am overwhelmed by what and where God has brought me from and through. In 92, thats right 92 days my journey at Grace University will come to an end. I am both excited and anxious to see what all God has in store for me this semester. I believe that he his already doing a greater healing in my life. 

This past January (2013) I went to a prayer service and was prayed for and I truly believe that God is doing a deep healing work in my life. I believe that the year 2013 is a year of breakthrough and healing. I am so excited it is only February and God has already revealed and shown me so much!  

I want to take a minute and thank each of you that have been reading my blog and staying connected to me as I have walked through this journey. Just because school ends in 92 days my journey will continue and man am I excited to share as God continues to reveal himself to me!

No matter what you are facing remember that God is Able! He goes before us and sets our paths out before we even realize its the path we must take. You are not alone because He is always right there with you! WOW is there power and peace in that! 

Thank you God for bringing me on this journey. You knew on June 1st 2009 when I lost my job that you had a plan and a purpose for my life. When I felt so discouraged and unsure of the future you gently guided me and brought me to this place I'm at today. I know you are not done with me yet and there are more layers of healing to come and God I thank you in advance for that healing. I am in awe of you and am so thankful that you have placed people in my life that can speak to my heart and who are willing to walk out this journey with me. Would you God continue to draw me close to you and those reading this blog closer to you because God you have great plans for each and everyone of us.  Amen.


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