I am enough
Okay so how many of you are like me and make "note to self". I find myself doing this all the time. So when I saw this picture on Pinterest the other day, which I have to admit is one addiction I just don't quite have YET, I had to grab it. And tonight I'm in the blogging mood and it's the perfect idea to center a blog around. Okay so you are waiting for the picture here it is:
So what are your thoughts? Whats the first thing that came to your mind? For me it was oh thats cute, yep thats a good idea. So I posted it on Facebook and its like the light bulb went off. I read it for the first time really getting what its said "I AM ENOUGH" the good ole "Ed" voice and low self esteem kicks in and then Miss Perfectionism does to but are you? AHH make all the crazy talk stop! YES I AM ENOUGH! How do I know? I know because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I am His beloved and just being me is enough. And quite frankly that is all God asks of me is to just be me because He knows that just me is enough. I don't have to put on the school mask, the therapist mask, the friend mask nope I can unveil myself and come to the Father raw, genuine me and he says my darling you are enough! WOW are you getting that do you sense the power that is in that. I have little goose bumps just thinking of my Heavenly Father saying that to me. What is exciting is that He doesn't just say that too me he says that to everyone of his beautiful created daughters. Whether she weighs 300 lbs or 30lbs it doesn't matter he says you are enough.
This is all great but what does enough mean? According to M-W.com it means "occurring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully meet demands, needs, or expectations" another definition is "in or to a degree of quantity that satisfies or that is sufficient or necessary for satisfaction".
Wow what a definition... I am enough....
So over the last several weeks I have been going through an amazing journey with some wonderful ladies and its a 12 Step based bible study called Journey to Serenity. And I have learned so much about myself and it is probably through this study that I am learning just as I am, I am enough. Part of the steps is realizing your powerless thats step one. Well I already knew that hello have your read my previous posts you will see I admitted my powerlessness over food and went to treatment over a year and half ago. Okay so whats next step 2 came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity...okay I can believe that I know God is a big God and he knows how insane I already am :) step 3 now here is the tricky one made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God that is hard because sometimes I feel that my will and my way is better although lesson after lesson I have learned that I am powerless and Gods will for my life is so much better than the plans I could dream up for my life. So i cruised right through these steps with some but little hesitation. Then came step 4 making the searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
I've heard it takes people years to work through their step 4 and I believe it. There is nothing easy about writing out the things you've done in your life the good memories and the not so good memories. But as each person walks through their step 4 they begin to gain freedom and for me it was learning that despite all the things that are listed on a piece of paper I am still enough. The things on the paper do NOT define me, God defines me and according to him I am His treasure, His beloved, His darling, His daughter and the list goes on. My past has made me who I am today but it does not I repeat DOES NOT DEFINE my today or my tomorrow :)
This blog is kind of all over the place but I hope that you realize and I've said it enough that..... You are Enough! :) Just be YOU! :)
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