Am I Dreaming?

Have you ever felt like your dreams were...well...just that a dream? I certainly have. I feel as though I am a visionary I like to envision things, I love to sit around and day dream. It's okay I'm sure you think I'm crazy but I'm okay with that. Even at night when I am sleeping I have very vivid dreams, for the most part when I wake up I can tell you about my dreams in detail. I don't know what it all means or if it means anything at all. For me I just embrace it I feel as the dreams are my creative side.

I have gotten to a point though where my dreams start to move into reality. While spending time in California for several months I learned a lot about myself. A wise person name Heather once led a group and in this group we were told to write out a dream we had, it didn't matter if it seemed impossible or not but just write it down. She then had as write out what we could do a year out in order to see that dream come true, and then 6 months out, 3 months out and then 6 weeks out. So here I am I write out this dream and all the things that I need to do in the next year to see it come a reality. So I leave group and that was that. I've had this dream for years and to me I don't think it's just a dream I believe it is a God given desire, I believe it is part of my purpose and part of my calling in the ministry. I left California came home to Arkansas and there it sat just a dream, so far off and so out of reach. UNTIL about two weeks ago. After days of not sleeping and lots of prayer God showed me several things I needed to work on in my life one being trust. Not trusting others but trusting Him. Trusting God with my future, with my today, with the big things and the small things. EEK thats hard. So daily I have been handing God back the trust, yes some days its easier then others because umm I'm human and I want to grab a hold of Him and say are you sure you know what you are doing? But at the end of the day I am reminded that He holds the owners manual and things always turn out much better when I do let Him take control. So like many other things I've given to God is this dream. I need to dig out that paper and see what it is I need to do in the next year in order to see it happen....UM WAIT NO I DON'T! Why not? Because as long as I'm listening to God, talking to God and following God...He is going to direct me and show me the steps that need to be taken to achieve this God given dream. I'm sure those that are reading would really like me to say what that dream is but I don't feel like its something I can share yet. So sorry to burst your bubble ;) I know God has this and he is going to take care of me and this dream. He already is! I checked my email just to find an incredible message which is just one step of this process of achieving my dream.

Don't let your dreams sit on the back burner. Seek God and allow Him to let your dream become your reality. I feel like this is a perfect scripture for this blog....

"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it for the vision is yet for an appointed time" Habakkuk 2:2-3 

If you believe in your God-given dream, then get your goals written down. Be definite about what you are asking God for and stick to it. Because in His appointed time He will see you through it :)
Be Blessed


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