Purpose in Omaha

This past Sunday was a TOUGH day, saying goodbye is never easy. Sunday morning we had an awesome service and once again God showed me how incredibly blessed I am to be apart of Bethel Worship Centers congregation. God poured out incredible healing and purpose on Sunday. I really will miss being there every week, I love my Sunday school class, and I am not one that normally says much but am just a sponge absorbing it all in, but we were talking about dealing with issues in our lives and walking in purpose, and I had a chance to talk about moving to Omaha and what I've gone through to get to this point where I am stepping into the calling and purpose God created for me. And I shared a little bit of this in Sunday School. But would like to also share it with those that were not there. 4 years ago, I was very sick with migraines, was laying in a hospital bed and had been there for 7 days. At this point in time no one knew I had an eating disorder and the doctors could not explain the migraines or the swelling on my brain to my parents. I had been dealing with these migraines for over 2 years and would go get shots and would be fine until I was hit with another one. On this specific day I had went to the doctor expecting to get a shot and sent home, I passed out in his office and was sent to the hospital for an emergency admit. They immediately started running CAT scans and MRIs this was on Friday, on Saturday I was sent for more tests, Sunday the church had prayed for me and by Sunday afternoon the Doctor came in and told my parents the swelling on my brain had gone down and was fine, (we had no idea that there was swelling until they told us it was gone). Fear crept in and at 18 years old I was scared, I didn't know how long I was going to live Satan had me scared to death! They tried everything to make me comfortable but I was in a lot of pain, they rehydrated me through iv's and gave me a lot of steroid shots (later we would find out that these steroid shots is what help keep me alive) It was during this hospital stay (in July right before I started college) that God spoke to me 5 words "I have purpose for you" it wasn't the steroids that kept me alive or the iv's it was Gods will to pull me through all of this to show me the purpose He had for me. I went to church Sunday after getting out of the hospital and I will never forget what Brother Earl preached on, he spoke on Hope and just having hope as small as a mustard seed. At that point in my life I felt hopeless and was full of fear. Again on that Sunday God spoke to me about having purpose for my life, there was hope. God has given me a platform to speak to girls about eating disorders, I have shared my story with thousands of people. But if my story just gives one person hope and shows them purpose then that is fine with me. This past Sunday my purpose was very visible to me the purpose that God spoke to me about 4 years earlier and that is to help those who are hurting, I am getting my degree here at Grace University in Mental Health Counseling. 4 years ago I was ready to throw in the towel on life just give up but God used people in my life at that time to help me to just hang on. I don't know the whole picture or where God will send me to practice one day but I do know that I have given Him my all and I am letting Him guide and direct me through this journey, He saved my life and now I am an open vessel.

Walking in Gods will and walking in purpose is incredible! It's not always easy but the end result is worth fighting the battles for! I have my boxing gloves on and I'm ready to fight the fight!

God is so incredibly amazing, and blesses me daily! The past few days have been emotional, and little bit harder than I thought they would be. Saying see ya later to family, friends, and an amazing church family is tough, but I know that God is up to great things. The drive up here was not bad at all, there is not much to see on Highway 21 and once you pass Joplin MO its all highway till Kansas City MO, there are a few small towns but they are spread out.

As we drove into Omaha Sunday night I was amazed, we could see it a few miles back because of all the city lights, I have a great view of Downtown from my room, and I though Little Rock was big! I will definitely have to adjust to things like not being able to see the stars? Who knew a city could be so bright that you cant see the stars in the sky! I am about 2 miles from the Zoo and the stadium which is the home of the NCAA College World Series, and about 3 miles from the Botanical Gardens, there is also a Children Museum and a water park close by so there is plenty to do to stay busy, but I have been very content just relaxing in my room today. I am about to head to Council Bluff, Iowa its only about 6 miles from my dorm, to apply for a job. Council Bluff is where I will make all my trips to wal mart, target, toys r us. It's a nice town, the family spent time there yesterday before leaving, and I know I can get there an back because I only have to take interstate 80, so I won't get lost :)

Classes started last night, although I did not know this until 30 minutes before my class started because I had a schedule change. So I missed 2 classes but they told me they were just going over syllabus so no worries. Here is the list of my classes this semester, I am taking 11hrs. Monday 4:30-7:15p, Intro to Research, 7:30-10pm Integration Issues, Tuesday 7:30-10pm Personal Evaluation/Professional Orientation, Thursday 4:30-7:15pm Helping Relationships. Wednesdays and Fridays I have no classes, this will be nice when I go home I will have 3 day weekends to spend with family and friends. My first trip back to Russellville will be September 11th-13th, I will be directing the Pope County Fair Pageant on Saturday but will be available part of Friday and will be attending Bethel Worship Center on Sunday, so if you would like to see me or hang out text me or call and I will do my best! :)

Please be praying for me as I look for a church to attend here in Omaha. I know that God has put me here for a purpose and lead me to the church I need to be in, but it is also hard trying new churches and not comparing :)



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