Caught in Waiting

Waiting at a doctors office can seem to take forever, you sit there looking at magazines or people watching while you also watch time slowly tick by on a clock. Or what about waiting for a precious baby to be born, the waiting process seems to drag on and on and on. I still remember the day my oldest nephew was born. She checked in that morning to start the inducing process, the rest of us got there around lunch time. We watched the clock as it slowly passed time and we anxiously awaited for the beautiful little miracle to be born. Sometimes when we are waiting on God it can also feel this way. You pray and pray and pray and then you wait, wait and wait some more. Well at least this is how I have felt over the last few months as I been caught in waiting. I graduated with my masters degree in May. Up to this point in my life I always had a pretty good idea of what was next in life. I would plan out my semester and take the classes I needed, but then the planning ended in ...