
Showing posts from 2013

Caught in Waiting

Waiting at a doctors office can seem to take forever, you sit there looking at magazines or people watching while you also watch time slowly tick by on a clock.  Or what about waiting for a precious baby to be born, the waiting process seems to drag on and on and on. I still remember the day my oldest nephew was born. She checked in that morning to start the inducing process,  the rest of us got there around lunch time. We watched the clock as it slowly passed time and we anxiously awaited for the beautiful little miracle to be born. Sometimes when we are waiting on God it can also feel this way. You pray and pray and pray and then you wait, wait and wait some more. Well at least this is how I have felt over the last few months as I been caught in waiting. I graduated with my masters degree in May. Up to this point in my life I always had a pretty good idea of what was next in life. I would plan out my semester and take the classes I needed, but then the planning ended in ...

My Angel Who Wore Scrubs

Today's blog isn't long or super profound but I hope you find it encouraging!  I believe God speaks to each of us in different ways at different times. Sometimes he speaks to us to through His word, sometimes through the lyrics of a song, sometimes it is through a message or prayer there are endless ways that he speaks to us and sometimes I believe he uses total strangers as angels to speak and minister to our spirit man. The other night while laying in the hospital bed I was listening to Laura Cooksey "Rest" trying to calm my anxieties and just rest in the Lord and in walked my nurse. And thats when it all started. She asked me what music I was listening too. You see I don't know about you all but some times I get timid and shy and instead of boldly saying "Christian" music I more or less just whisper it. But I told her who I was listening too and thats when she then proceeded to tell me that I am "much to vibrant to let the enemy to take a...

It's coming to an end...

A friend of mine reminded me not too long ago that "all good things must come to an end" and that's exactly what is happening with Graduate School and my time at Grace University. As I write this blog I am flooded with many emotions just to name a few ... overwhelmed, excited, and nervous. I've been doing a lot of thinking back over the last 3 1/2 years and wow its no longer a light at the end of the tunnel but its reality this is really happening. So I want to take a little trip down memory lane. This time in 2009 Graduate School was a mere thought. I remember I was working for Sandy and Parker DeVore as the Director of Tours. I remember talking to Sandy about the different possibilities of Graduate school but at that point in my life I was looking at becoming a Registered Dietian and going to school in Conway Arkansas at UCA. Omaha well that was just a mystery trip I was planning I knew nothing about Omaha. My job came to an end with Royalty Tour, at the beginning ...

Dream and Dream Big

Ever had a dream that you woke up and wanted to go back to sleep so you could keep dreaming? I certainly have. But what about your dreams in life your heart desires ever wish you could snap your fingers and see them happen? I've mentioned before that I'm a dreamer, I like to day dream and just think about the future and all the things I want to do in life. Of course I can't spend too much time just thinking I have to do things to put my dreams in action. The last week or so I have really been thinking about my dreams and desires of my heart. There are so many things I want to do in life and sometimes it seems like they are so far out of reach. I often think what it is it going to take to get me to the point of reaching then end goal, and to be honest I sometimes come up empty handed and left with nothing. But I don't stop dreaming and thinking of how it might all play out, of course about the time I have it all figured out and I give my plan to God he says lets do it ...

Roller Coaster of Life

It's been a while since my last blog. There is much to be updated on so I will do my best to do the short version of where all God has taken me in the 10 months. As I begin this blog tears have started to flood my eyes. I am overwhelmed by God and the healing he has and is doing in my life. I started this blog in 2009 as I started the journey to grad school. In 2009 I had no idea the path and roller coaster i would be jumping on. To recap my journey Aug 2009 I moved to Omaha, NE to attend graduate school at Grace University. As I dove in head first into classes I soon learned that I had issues in my life that needed to be faced. It's amazing how God has to take you away from all you have ever known put you in a totally different state to reveal these things. He has to take us out of our comfort zone sometimes to really do a work in us. Or at least that is what he did for me. I buzzed through my first year of grad school with grace and lots of energy. In Feb 2010 I began worki...