Growing Pains
Did you ever get the cramps in your feet or legs when you were a kid? The kind of cramp that is annoying and hurts so bad you can't sleep, it takes hot baths and lots of lotion and rubbing to get relief? I had these when I was a kid and the doctor called it "growing pains", these are physical growing pains. Through out my life I have experienced other type growing pains such as emotional growing pains and spiritual growing pains.
A year ago I struggled with plans changing this year I embrace them. I embrace the growing pains. I want to make it clear this was not an easy decision to come to well it was once God slapped me in the head but it doesn't make it easy. Especially as the time gets closer and some of my friends get ready to go to Honduras its tough. I truly would love to go but I'm following God as He directs me down a path, I don't know the final outcome but I rest in Him and I will let Him comfort me through this growing pain experience.
Growing up hurts but I can't imagine staying a baby forever being so dependent on another human. Which is why I love what the devotion says about Christian voices. It gets to a point in our growing that we have to listen to God and make our own decisions. God will never leave us astray!
To those who are facing growing pains I challenge you to embrace it rather than resent it or run from it. Fall into Gods loving, embracing arms and let him comfort and lead you through your growing pains.
The last year and a half have been made of up growing pain after growing pain. Growing pains are excruciating at times, but just as my parents loved on me comforted me through those pains so has my Heavenly Father comforted me through the last year. A year ago today I thought it would be another day but a decision was made that I had no control over that left me feeling helpless and frustrated, things were not going like I had planned. Isn't it funny how God works? We say we will follow his will and plans and let him do the planning yet as humans we always in our heads still have a plan, okay maybe you don't but I do. So like many times plans changed unexpectedly and I had no control over it. I did not handle this change well. This change brought resentment, frustration, anger, spite, agony, irritation, helplessness, hopelessness and many other feelings.
I say all that to say growth takes place each and every day. Life takes us through so many different challenges and obstacles. Today I can say I am handling the growing pains a little better but they still hurt. I have been praying about a missions trip to Honduras next summer. A great opportunity, the trip was reasonably priced, great people going, and the trip would consist of some counseling which is what I am going to school for, which made it the perfect trip for me, right?! Well yes and no! We had an informational meeting and talked about how if we really wanted to go that God would make a way financially. I truly believe that to be so true as God blessed me so much last year when I needed funds to go to Africa. You know that saying though...our will is not always His will? I wanted to go on this trip I love missions and I love traveling. But something in me just wasn't quite at peace about everything. Which led me to more prayer over the topic.
Tonight as I was reading my devotion in Jesus Calling I really feel like God reached down from Heaven and slapped me upside the head and said "can you hear me now?" Well let me tell you I heard Him loud and clear but its not what I wanted to hear right at that moment. Let me share a little excerpt from todays devotions (Emphasis added is mine)
To walk along the path of freedom, you must keep your mind firmly fixed on Me. Many voices proclaim: "This is the way for you to go," but only My voice tells you the true way. If you follow the way the world with all its glitter and glamour, you will descend deeper and deeper into an abyss. Christian voices also can lead you astray: "Do this!" "Don't do that!" "Pray this way!" "Don't pray that way!" IF you listen to all those voices you will become increasingly confused. Be content to be a simple sheep, listening for My voice and following Me. I will lead you into restful green pastures and guide you along paths of righteousness.I know there is a need in Honduras for counseling but I also know God has a need for my life and my calling. I am not completely sure of what it will look like, but I can rest in peace knowing that next year on June 1-11 that He is going to use me and it won't be in Honduras. He is already equipping the group that will go to Honduras though. And I will stand with them in prayer and cover them with prayer while they are gone. I am excited to see what and how God will use me. He has a plan and a need for me!
A year ago I struggled with plans changing this year I embrace them. I embrace the growing pains. I want to make it clear this was not an easy decision to come to well it was once God slapped me in the head but it doesn't make it easy. Especially as the time gets closer and some of my friends get ready to go to Honduras its tough. I truly would love to go but I'm following God as He directs me down a path, I don't know the final outcome but I rest in Him and I will let Him comfort me through this growing pain experience.
Growing up hurts but I can't imagine staying a baby forever being so dependent on another human. Which is why I love what the devotion says about Christian voices. It gets to a point in our growing that we have to listen to God and make our own decisions. God will never leave us astray!
To those who are facing growing pains I challenge you to embrace it rather than resent it or run from it. Fall into Gods loving, embracing arms and let him comfort and lead you through your growing pains.
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