Sit back…buckle up…hold on!

This last week has been a roller coaster of emotions and decisions! A month ago I was given the opportunity to go to the AACC conference in Nashville, TN. The conference started on Wednesday and that Thursday God began to speak to my heart about transition and moving. Tennessee was never on my radar of places to live. Dallas, Texas…Yes…Nashville, Tennessee…NO! So I did what I normally do in these types of situations…I argued with God and then began to make my own plans! Can I just say that this NEVER works out!! Throughout the day on Friday this idea and feeling that God was going to move me to Tennessee grew stronger but I pushed the thoughts aside because I needed to focus on this conference and besides these thoughts were nuts! Friday night after the conference I was down stairs looking at all of the resources in the exhibitors area when I had this divine appointment ( read more about it by clicking here ). I went back to the hotel that night very perplexed and at this point ...