My Angel Who Wore Scrubs

Today's blog isn't long or super profound but I hope you find it encouraging! I believe God speaks to each of us in different ways at different times. Sometimes he speaks to us to through His word, sometimes through the lyrics of a song, sometimes it is through a message or prayer there are endless ways that he speaks to us and sometimes I believe he uses total strangers as angels to speak and minister to our spirit man. The other night while laying in the hospital bed I was listening to Laura Cooksey "Rest" trying to calm my anxieties and just rest in the Lord and in walked my nurse. And thats when it all started. She asked me what music I was listening too. You see I don't know about you all but some times I get timid and shy and instead of boldly saying "Christian" music I more or less just whisper it. But I told her who I was listening too and thats when she then proceeded to tell me that I am "much to vibrant to let the enemy to take a...