Dream and Dream Big

Ever had a dream that you woke up and wanted to go back to sleep so you could keep dreaming? I certainly have. But what about your dreams in life your heart desires ever wish you could snap your fingers and see them happen? I've mentioned before that I'm a dreamer, I like to day dream and just think about the future and all the things I want to do in life. Of course I can't spend too much time just thinking I have to do things to put my dreams in action. The last week or so I have really been thinking about my dreams and desires of my heart. There are so many things I want to do in life and sometimes it seems like they are so far out of reach. I often think what it is it going to take to get me to the point of reaching then end goal, and to be honest I sometimes come up empty handed and left with nothing. But I don't stop dreaming and thinking of how it might all play out, of course about the time I have it all figured out and I give my plan to God he says lets do it ...