Longterm affects of a life with ED

The harsh reality is eating disorders have longterm affects! The sad part of this reality is that it seems years too late when someone is finally able to hear and accept this reality. You see when someone is in the middle of their eating disorder telling them that their kidneys, heart, stomach, brain etc will be affected by their choices are just simply words that seem like a vapor. They don't hear it, it doesn't sink in and the blunt honest truth is....they don't care! It does not matter! Why? Why don't they care? Why doesn't it matter? Because the emotional pain they are hiding or trying to numb out with the disorder screams much louder than your quiet concern as you try to help the one you love by sharing what consequences are to follow. For many they want to stop, I wanted to quick wrecking havoc on my body all the time but I couldn't. I was stuck. I was addicted. I was SICK! It saddens me the way we look at mental health issues. We are doing better as a w...