Do You Think I'm Beautiful?

Okay so I am going to be upfront and honest, this blog is not my typical type blog but its a blog of me being real and authentic. Being real and authentic is something I think all women struggle with so here is my attempt at it, hoping that it will shed light and speak to someones heart like God spoke to my heart tonight. Many people know that over the last 15 years I have struggle and fought the battle of an Eating Disorder. So tonight I was cleaning up my Facebook pictures, because I noticed I was nearing 1000 pictures. I deleted a few albums because well they are of the past and they needed to be cleaned up. Well as I am deleting some older albums I flipped through other old albums like my first trip back to Arkansas after moving to Omaha for grad school, looked through baby pictures of Tanner. Still can't believe Tan Man will be 4 this weekend. So as I am looking through the old picture and posting new pictures the all familiar negative voices start up. Now let me clear som...